Day 094j: A view from the Veranda … (July 17, 2019)

After walking through to the far edge of town, I noticed the local hostel – a large, modern refuge with a building-long veranda that beckoned me in from the glaring heat. And so it was that I stopped there and sat for awhile – re-taping my shoes and resting my legs and reveling in the balcony’s astounding view …

It is true that activity and rest are two vital aspects of life, and yet it is not true – as many believe – that they are separate or opposing. Indeed, those who call for a ‘balance’ between them are not only transparently rationalizing their own moments of sloth, but simultaneously exposing their ignorance regarding the deeper nature of both. In truth, real wisdom is not knowing when to rest and when to move at all. Real wisdom is understanding what it means to make resting & action ONE – to consciously rest while in motion, and to selflessly serve while at rest.” ~ inspired by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar