Day 094k: Another cascade of Compassion … (July 17, 2019)

It never ceased to amaze me how effortlessly Providence provided along The Way, especially in those moments when I was in no way seeking or longing for the same. And such was the case on this glorious afternoon, where first I was blessed by Patricia & Frederic from Belgium (who offered me a Coca Cola & some chips) and then was again showered with generosity by a later-arriving Matt (who treated me to a veggie sandwich & a beer). Of course, the real sustenance that afternoon came from the kindness that was shared mutually & evenly amongst us all, and the calm sense of Rightness with which we were all blessed by the same …

And here we live in the illusion of contentment; the place where we so easily forget that we have been created to enhance our interactions with life, not merely endure them. Yes, we were brought into being from nothingness, and yet that does not mean that we are to live as a vapid manifestation of nothingness. In truth, we are not to live in the deep shadowed wells of our subconscious and be fleetingly satisfied on the mere echoes of the convoys we came to see. No, my friend. We are here to spread our wings of happiness by bringing the same to others. We are here to become the ones with compassion and kindness and giving; bending and swaying our malleable forms until they at least faintly resemble the most gifted first creation of the most powerful One Creator. We are called to set ourselves free from delusions of angst & longing, and become instead Agents of the divine real & true – joining the celestial Convoys of Compassion and riding alongside them for all times to come.” ~ inspired by Annie Ali