Day 094l: Rain, too, in the Desert … (July 17, 2019)

Recharged after my extended rest-stop, I then flowed fluidly onward through the hot & dusty day – first to & through the town of Riego de Ambros (and its peace-invoking Ermita de San Sebastian, that was unfortunately closed at the time of my passing) and then back deep into a trail that had become steep and jagged and dry and glaring. In truth, the Way had become less than pleasant, to be sure, and mild-yet-persistent feelings of desolation began to creep into my awareness as I trudged along. And then, to both my surprise & relief, the path suddenly descended into a tiny valley filled with lush vegetation and swathed in cool breezes – a path that took a gentle bend to the left and presented me with a sight that I was at first sure was a mirage; a sight that took the form of a pathside table overflowing with perfectly ripened fruit (grapes & oranges & peaches & apples & apricots & bananas & strawberries and even the chips of a freshly opened coconut) … And this all in the middle of nowhere! Who would do such a wondrous thing! A fortunate Soul, no doubt; a Soul who had come to understand the Purpose & passion that fill every act of true generosity.

The older I get, the more I seem able to appreciate my ‘neighbor’ and the more easily I seem able to remember that my ‘neighbor’ is whomever I happen to be with at any given moment. Oh, sure, I’ve always tried to love my neighbor as myself – with my ‘neighbor’ being those with whom I’m already acquainted or those who are amenable to me. And yet the more experiences I’ve had with folks, the more chances I’ve had to understand that the very same specialness and worthiness resides in every single stranger I meet as well.” ~ inspired by Fred Rogers

Love is nothing more than our inner divinity grasping for godliness. Love is a return to Divine Oneness, and as such is nothing short of poetry born out of the sheer joy of loving. Yes, it’s true that love can be song and dance and celebration and gratitude. And yet on a deeper level love is a dance of giving – giving for no reason at all; giving to random strangers; giving when we have little to give; giving to those who least deserve the same. And this is the greatest celebration – the celebration that needs no reason but life itself; the most tremendous gift that keeps on showering us with its grace.” ~ inspired by Osho & Jesus Christ