Day 094o: Parking in Ponferrada … (July 17, 2019)

I wasn’t sure where I was going to stay in Ponferrada once I finally arrived there, and yet the time of day and the state of my stamina had me knowing that somewhere within its somewhat cozy confines I would indeed remain that night …

We cannot ever say with any certainty that we arrive where or when we best ought to, and yet when traveling – whether by foot or train or plane or boat – we most certainly can say that we do indeed always arrive when we actually arrive. And this is the way of life as well. Life, that flowing series of spontaneous, natural, interconnected alterations of time & space – Life, a cornucopia of fully unpredictable happenstances that we are called to accept and adjust to, never fight or strive to conquer – Life, the set of circumstances embracing you in this one true present moment; circumstances that are to be fully engaged with active courage, and then fluidly allowed to unfold as they will.” ~ inspired by Michael Bassey Johnson & Lao Tsu