Day 094p: Vouching for your Vitamins … (July 17, 2019)

And then, with a little assistance & direction from a pathside church (the San Andres Iglesia near the city’s central castle) and two elderly locals, I easily found my way to the famed San Nicolas de Flue Albergue, where hospitaleros Alfonso & Raquel warmly & intently listened to the tale of my Walk before smiling and telling me that they had been expecting me ( :O ) … It seems that my dear friend Naisah (who I had first met on the Camino back in 2008, with whom I had remained in contact ever since, and who at that very time lived in Ponferrada) had known I was getting close to town and had informed this particular hostel to be on the lookout for me … :O

“No matter where you end up or with whom, always remember to take your daily vitamins: Vitamin A for ACTION, Vitamin B for Benevolence, Vitamin C for Courage, Vitamin D for Discipline, Vitamin E for Empathy, Vitamin F for Fidelity, Vitamin G for Generosity, Vitamin H for Humility, and Vitamin I for Inclusion!” ~ anonymous