Day 104b: Sharing PEACE for Pedro … (July 27, 2019)

One of the pilgrims present during my Finisterre stay was Pedro, a self-professed Peace Pilgrim, and yet in all honesty one of the least peaceful Peace Pilgrims I had ever met. Off-puttingly dour of visage and surprisingly harsh of tone, he was apparently somewhat of a regular visitor at the hostel. It wasn’t clear what […]

Day 104c: To readjust Reality … (July 27, 2019)

This post is meant to be a tribute to fellow pilgrims Marie & Margot, two beautifully sincere Seekers who not only earnestly appreciated the answers I gave them regarding life and meaning and my Walk for Peace, but two wise Souls whose conversation with me thereafter led to a potent revelation for the walk itself […]

Day 104d: The most nutritional Nourishment … (July 27, 2019)

One of my favorite gifts received along The Way were the delicious vegan meals that were offered to me on occasion – not only because their sustenance contained no cruelty, but also because a shared repast proved to be one of the times when others became more at ease – and thereby more open to […]

Day 104e: A greater place of Grace … (July 27, 2019)

One of the most powerful lessons I repeatedly learned along this Walk was the ever-remembered fact that my life was not to be about convincing others to be more kind or getting them to wake up and join Team Compassion. No, my life – whether walking or not – was to be about simply setting […]

Day 104f: To eulogize Elisa … (July 27, 2019)

Elisa was the very first pilgrim with whom I deeply bonded here in Finisterre, and remains to this day one of the few truly “kindred Souls” I was blessed to meet5 along my Way. Maybe it was because she had such an honest & humble Heart, maybe it was because she too had come to […]

Day 104g: The humble man’s Bedding … (July 27, 2019)

And so my 6th Day of Repose* on this Walk came to an end, and I – as I had done so often on previous nights – chose to wait patiently until all was quite in the hostel, and then humbly hunker down on kitchen’s humbler floor … *with Herrenberg, Le Puy, Espalais, Hontanas, & […]

Day 105a: Reborn in every Morning … (July 28, 2019)

I woke early (though in truth a bit later than usual), ate the cashews that Marie & Margot had given me the day before (and a bit of the couscous that was leftover from last night’s dinner), re-taped the soles of my shoes, and once more hit The Road – off into the peace of […]

Day 105b: A next Crossroads of Crisis … (July 28, 2019)

It felt weird to be walking eastward for the first time in many many days, and yet onward I loped anyway, and it didn’t take long for me to arrive in the neighboring town of San Martino. Unfortunately, it didn’t take much longer still for my lower back to start screeching in shooting pain – […]

Day 105c: Encouraging the Courage … (July 28, 2019)

I continued on & on, walking ever slower & slower as the pain in my back continued to intensify – eventually shooting down my left leg with every step taken (and this, despite having already taken 800mp of Ibuprofen that morning!) … Almost needless to say, things were not looking good for yours truly and […]

Day 105d: To those who walk in Beauty … (July 28, 2019)

“Those who have the wherewithal to frequently pause and revel in the innate Beauty of the Earth are those who find reserves of strength that allow them to fulfill the day. Those who have the boldness to frequently pause and engage those nearby with Love are those who unearth reserve of raw power that allow […]

Day 105e: Gratitude is the Station … (July 28, 2019)

Releasing my doubts & worries (and focusing not on the enormity of the task at hand but rather the simpleness of my lone next step) allowed some of my pain (and almost all of my suffering) to subside by the time I rounded a gentle bend in the Path and saw the lovely wayside donativo […]