Day 104b: Sharing PEACE for Pedro … (July 27, 2019)

One of the pilgrims present during my Finisterre stay was Pedro, a self-professed Peace Pilgrim, and yet in all honesty one of the least peaceful Peace Pilgrims I had ever met. Off-puttingly dour of visage and surprisingly harsh of tone, he was apparently somewhat of a regular visitor at the hostel. It wasn’t clear what his actual mission was – or whether he was actually a pilgrim at all, and yet what was quite clear indeed was the fact that he was less than thrilled to have me around – apparently seeing me as “competition” for the attention he normally received as resident Peace-Walker, as opposed to what I actually was and will ever remain: one of his most devout allies for Peace …

I understand the core of you, and as such I shall never attempt to alter how you behave or what you believe. I am too old and have seen too much to still want to change others or even the world. I will simply share with you everything that I am and all that I have learned, while loving you fully whether you embrace the same or not. No matter who you are or what you might profess, I choose to see you as my Friend. And I shall remain your Friend even if you ignore my deeds or act contrary to my convictions. Even if I disagree with your way or your words, I will serve you and care for you until the end of my days.” ~ inspired by Milan Kundera

Remember: Never let your feet step onto a bad boat.” ~ Pedro (with a scowl)
“As long as I am doing so to serve others, there is no such thing.” ~ Me (with a wink)