Day 104c: To readjust Reality … (July 27, 2019)

This post is meant to be a tribute to fellow pilgrims Marie & Margot, two beautifully sincere Seekers who not only earnestly appreciated the answers I gave them regarding life and meaning and my Walk for Peace, but two wise Souls whose conversation with me thereafter led to a potent revelation for the walk itself – the revelation that Peace Walks of any kind are not to be rigidly tread a certain way along any pre-proscribed path to any pre-established destination, but rather are simply to be walked fluidly and with great grace – ever adjusting their pace and their vector and their interactions and even their goals; humbly embracing what they spontaneously encounter, never stoically fulfilling their original aims. I realized while chatting with these two radiant Souls that I am simply to walk this Walk while doing my best every day to serve every being encountered with kindness. I am to do so if I end up crossing the ocean by boat, I am to do so if I end up crossing the ocean by plane, and I am to do so even if I end up not crossing the ocean at all …

Here is a little note to tell you how important our discussion have been to me. They have opened me a doorway; have shown me another way to defense a truth – not by violence or passivity, but rather by kindness in action. They have shifted my point of view about my relations with nature and with people, and awakened in me a desire to do something meaningful with my life – something special by which I can make a real difference … I hope I can be as inspiring to others as you have inspired me, and I really hope you will succeed in your great battle for Love … Take care, and keep doing the beautiful thing that you’ve started.” ~ via Margot

“One day you meet someone and for some inexplicable reason, you feel more connected to this stranger than anyone else — closer to them than even your closest family member. Perhaps they carry within them an angel – a long-since saint sent to you for some higher purpose; maybe to impart an important lesson or inspire you to keep going during a particularly perilous moment. What you must do when these soulmates come into your life is trust in them completely – even if they seem to come hand in hand with potential for pain or suffering. And remember as well: though you might well come to love these people deeply, they will never be yours to keep. In truth, you must remember that they haven’t actually come to save you at all, but rather have come to remind you that your life is for the collective, and that you are here to do the saving.”~ inspired by Lang Leav