Day 104f: To eulogize Elisa … (July 27, 2019)

Elisa was the very first pilgrim with whom I deeply bonded here in Finisterre, and remains to this day one of the few truly “kindred Souls” I was blessed to meet5 along my Way. Maybe it was because she had such an honest & humble Heart, maybe it was because she too had come to “specialize” in longer-distanced walking, and maybe it was a simple combination of the two. Either way(s), she was the one who proved to be most pivotal in me being able to remain in Finisterre as long as I did, and as such she is worthy of much of the credit for all the Good I was indeed able to offer & inspire there. And so I offer you a Godspeed, my dear Elisa. May all your life’s pilgrimages be graced by Soul-deep Friendships, scintillating sunrises, cool westerly breezes, and the knowledge that you always a Friend walking with you from afar …

I am not here to force others into feeling this extraordinary LOVE. I am here of my own accord, simply to offer them all the same. So that whenever they happen to stare into the mirror that is my smiling eyes, they might once more see how phenomenal they are … And we would all do well to remember that these deeper connections are not only reserved for friends or lovers or closest kin, but rather are unconditionally indefinable & utterly limitless; available in all and for all – a priceless gift for which all are equally worthy … And once such connections are offered, their bonds can never be broken. The world’s vastness may indeed separate bodies, but it can never parse melded Souls.” ~ inspired by Kamand Kojouri, Donna L. Hope & Munia Khan