Day 104g: The humble man’s Bedding … (July 27, 2019)

And so my 6th Day of Repose* on this Walk came to an end, and I – as I had done so often on previous nights – chose to wait patiently until all was quite in the hostel, and then humbly hunker down on kitchen’s humbler floor …

(the hostels’ Living Room ceiling)
(the hostel’s kitchen floor: where I lay my head for that night)

*with Herrenberg, Le Puy, Espalais, Hontanas, & Santiago being the previous five)

Whomever wishes to be first must choose to live last; as a willing servant of any & all … Indeed, whomever welcomes a toddler in my name welcomes me as well. And whomever welcomes me welcomes not me but rather The ONE who sent me – The ONE who sends us all.” ~ Jesus Christ (via Mark 9:35-37)

Truly humble men are not those who pass society’s more common tests of humility. They are not smooth or charming or greasy or loudly self-deprecating, but instead are those who go almost unnoticed – those whose cheerfulness is often quiet and whose intelligence is often gentle & kind. They are the ones who take an obviously sincere interest in everyone around them – doing so with an air of encouragement & positivity in place of criticism or cold-heartedness. You might well dislike such purveyors of love when you meet them, and yet if you are honest with yourself you will admit that your disdain comes from envy – a jealousy for the ease with which they enjoy life and the fluidity with which they show their caring. These are the truly humble ones; humble not because they are thinking about their humility, but rather because they aren’t rally ever thinking about themselves at all.” ~ inspired by C.S. Lewis