Day 105a: Reborn in every Morning … (July 28, 2019)

I woke early (though in truth a bit later than usual), ate the cashews that Marie & Margot had given me the day before (and a bit of the couscous that was leftover from last night’s dinner), re-taped the soles of my shoes, and once more hit The Road – off into the peace of my next pre-dawn morning, heading now towards Muxia and thereafter the still-dreamed-for boat that would somehow carry me over the sea …

When the dawn is still in the dark, God whispers to all those already awakened with fresh promises of a fuller life. Listen to His summons, and set forth boldly to fulfill your Soul’s most vivid dreams … Hear the call of the Divine, and let it write in glowing gold upon your Heart that this day – like every day – is your life’s very best chance to Love … So awaken each morning early; awaken and ask yourself what you have come into this world to do. Ask yourself this crucial question, and then remember its only answer – You have come into life to Love; you have come to live out loud.” ~ inspired by Amit Ray, Ralph Waldo Emerson & Emile Zola