Day 105b: A next Crossroads of Crisis … (July 28, 2019)

It felt weird to be walking eastward for the first time in many many days, and yet onward I loped anyway, and it didn’t take long for me to arrive in the neighboring town of San Martino. Unfortunately, it didn’t take much longer still for my lower back to start screeching in shooting pain – much more intensely than it had on any day previous; so loudly whining, in fact, that my instinctive wish was to hobble back to Finisterre and take shelter there once more. And yet turning back was an option I had erased from this Journey, and so onward I limped into the dawn …

Just as no success is ever final, no failure is fully fatal. The courage to continue ever onward, then – and ever so for Love, is all that truly counts … Various masters of old spoke to this truth at a common pivotal moment of their lives; a moment when the idea came to them of what some of them called ‘the love of one’s fate’ – the chosen mindset that no matter what happens to you, you choose to say, ‘With this, I will Do Good.’ Life might look or feel like a total train-wreck, and yet you choose to go at it as though it were a blessed opportunity, a righteous challenge, even a necessary portal. And if you choose to bring Love to that moment – be it in the form of generosity or service or kindness –you will always find that Strength is there. This is the mindset that knows that every disaster survived engenders an improvement in your character, and thereby your stature, and thereby your life. What a privilege crisis becomes thereafter! Moments of hardship when the spontaneity of your own deepest nature will have the chance to most potently flow!” ~ inspired by Joseph Campbell