Day 105e: Gratitude is the Station … (July 28, 2019)

Releasing my doubts & worries (and focusing not on the enormity of the task at hand but rather the simpleness of my lone next step) allowed some of my pain (and almost all of my suffering) to subside by the time I rounded a gentle bend in the Path and saw the lovely wayside donativo stand set up just in front of a delightful hostel in the hamlet of Buxan. I gratefully paused here – to refresh myself with a few of the stand’s delicious peaches and to make some meaningful conversation with a passing-through pilgrim I met there. To my peace-instilling surprise, Damian than sauntered up to the stand (he had taken a rest-stop a few miles earlier, and I had hobbled past without seeing him) with a huge smile on his face, and I was able to tell him from the heart how much his kindness had meant to me (both that day and on days previous) and then make & offer him his very own Peace Stone – before once more going our separate ways along The Way …

To those whose Souls stand bold & unclothed in the holy wilderness of life, embracing equally the shadows of self & other – and other the same Great Light that inhabits & enlivens the same — I humbly bow before you.” ~ unknown

There is a collective Spirit that surrounds us and inspire us all, and we simply have to open our hearts and minds to then notice & answer its constant call.” ~ via Elaine Turner