Day 097h: Another resounding Revelation … (July 20, 2019)

And then it became clear as well, through all the sobs & all the tears, that I was Doing Right as is; that I am in truth sacrificing it all for all my sentient brothers & sisters; that I may not be doing so perfectly and yet that I am doing so nonetheless; and that […]

Day 097i: To forge ahead is to reforge The Way … (July 20, 2019)

My tears now dried and my resolve renewed, I continued onward along a trail seemingly long-forgotten; a trail quite clearly abandoned in favor of the far easier path that had been recently carved out down below. And indeed an unsurprising “proof” of the same came in the form of a sign that had been placed […]

Day 097j: The frustrations of Fonfria … (July 20, 2019)

Shortly after descending the mountain trial & rejoining the primary path, I came upon a tiny rest-stop in the just-as-tiny hamlet of Fonfria. Even though I had transcended the majority of my earlier malaise-riddled mentality, I was still in quite a bit of pain and was still feeling low of both spirit and energy when […]

Day 097k: Reconstituted in Kindness … (July 20, 2019)

I don’t know how long I would have remained by the roadside in Fonfria had Hannah from Japan not happened along and sweetly offered me some encouraging words and her last apple; both selfless gifts that were my cue to get off my butt, take some Ibuprofen, and keep steadily making my way – one […]

Day 097l: Emerging into the Light … (July 20, 2019)

“As a dreamer or a sage, you will ever be ridiculed and rejected. And yet your detractors are what give your walk vector – your denigrators those who give your path power & purpose. So remember to thank your persecutors for re-minding you of the majesty of your Path. For without darkness, how can shine […]

Day 097m: The only End that Matters … (July 20, 2019)

“It is acceptable to have a specific end to journey toward; and yet it is the chosen journey that matters, in the end.” ~ via Ursula K. Le Guin

Day 097n: Dying to all that life Lives … (July 20, 2019)

“The fear of death ultimately flows from a fear of life. Show me a man who has lived fully and I will show you a man who is prepared to die at any moment.” ~ via Mark Twain “Many wish that particular passings would not arrive at whim or will, and yet the wise never […]

Day 097o: Skipping a simulated Celebration … (July 20, 2019)

It just so happened that the town of Triacastela was throwing its inaugural Pilgrims festival as I walked through on this day, and yet the entire vibe was somehow overtly ostensible and innocuously insincere – with church-group leader Oscar being superficially sweet (nodding enthusiastically while listening to the nature & purpose of my Walk while […]

Day 097p: To live like the River … (July 20, 2019)

“Open your clenched fists and let what comes come. Let what goes go. You are ever allowed so much more than what two mere fists can hold. It is only those who flow as life flows who make a river out of their living. As such, refuse to desire for everything to happen as you […]

Day 097q: To live like a Pilgrim … (July 20, 2019)

“If I’ve learned anything from facing death, it is that life is not meant to be survived. In truth, life is the greatest adventure there is. And why would we ever stop our adventuring when someone says the end might be near? The truth is, we never know when the end will actually arrive, and […]

Day 097r: Sanctuary for the Souls … (July 20, 2019)

“A godly home must offer a foretaste of Heaven. In truth, our homes, imperfect as they might ever be, should be arranged & maintained so as to provide a haven from the chaos outside – as much for our fellow brothers & sisters as for ourselves. They should be a reflection of our eternal home […]