Day 097p: To live like the River … (July 20, 2019)

Open your clenched fists and let what comes come. Let what goes go. You are ever allowed so much more than what two mere fists can hold. It is only those who flow as life flows who make a river out of their living. As such, refuse to desire for everything to happen as you wish it would, but rather hope openly for everything to happen as it actually does.” ~ via Shunya, Tamerlan Kuzgov, and Epictetus

You are the way and you are the destination; there is no distance between you and the goal. You are the seeker and you are the sought; there is no distance between you and that for which you search. You are the worshiper and the worshiped, you are the disciple and the master;, and you are the means as well as the end. There is no distance between you and the Divine. Live accordingly and you have found The Way.” ~ inspired by Jesus & Osho