Day 097o: Skipping a simulated Celebration … (July 20, 2019)

It just so happened that the town of Triacastela was throwing its inaugural Pilgrims festival as I walked through on this day, and yet the entire vibe was somehow overtly ostensible and innocuously insincere – with church-group leader Oscar being superficially sweet (nodding enthusiastically while listening to the nature & purpose of my Walk while holding a huge bag of bread) and the festival-goers being superficially joyous (like they were all actors & actresses putting on a play) and even fellow pilgrim Ursula (and admittedly even my now pain-numbed self) being superficially interested in the entire affair – so I simply smiled and shrugged and sauntered onward …

Lack of strength is shown in violence, small strength is shown in criticism, moderate strength is shown in fellowship, greater strength is shown in levity, ultimate power is shown in Love.” ~ via G.K. Chesterton

When crying or laughing appear to be the only options left, choose to laugh – and Love.” ~ via Veronica Roth