Day 097k: Reconstituted in Kindness … (July 20, 2019)

I don’t know how long I would have remained by the roadside in Fonfria had Hannah from Japan not happened along and sweetly offered me some encouraging words and her last apple; both selfless gifts that were my cue to get off my butt, take some Ibuprofen, and keep steadily making my way – one hobbled step at a time – to the coast …

The difficulty of the journey starts & ends in the mind, And yet once we decide to go for it wholeheartedly, the illusions of pain & despair & failure keep disappearing further with every step, until we pause to wonder why we were ever afraid at all, and come to realize that we were afraid of what we had projected into the unknown – visualized objects that were nothing more or less than our own monsters formed by our own doubts and crystallized by our own fears.” ~ via Shahenshah Hafeez Khan

I know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will, I will go to it boldly for the benefit of others – all the while laughing while I go.” ~ via Herman Melville