Day 097j: The frustrations of Fonfria … (July 20, 2019)

Shortly after descending the mountain trial & rejoining the primary path, I came upon a tiny rest-stop in the just-as-tiny hamlet of Fonfria. Even though I had transcended the majority of my earlier malaise-riddled mentality, I was still in quite a bit of pain and was still feeling low of both spirit and energy when I pulled in to this oasis, and so I limped up onto the veranda across from the local “pub” and sat in still-saddened solace for awhile – a sadness that was slightly alleviated simply by stopping, and yet a sadness that was then intensified anew as a small herd of soon-to-be-murdered adolescent dairy cows* marched past …

I have come to realize that the wider you open your eyes, the darker our current world becomes. The truth of all the arrogance and all the violence and all the cruelty sears an everlasting image of the suffering of the innocent into your retinas, and from that moment on you will forever understand that to knowingly loom away from the pain & the torment of others is in truth one of the cruelest actions we can do as conscious beings. Apathy is a plague, and humans are its perpetrators.” ~ via Bianca Nicole Vale

*Dairy farming (small or industrial, organic or “humane” makes no difference) is the most cruel industry on the planet, bar none. All dairy farms repeatedly rape their female cows to get them pregnant (seeing as how mammals only produce milk after having been inseminated) — they are literally bound to “rape racks” and bull semen is inserted into their vaginas, all while the farmer’s entire other arm is shoved all the way into their anuses (to manually manipulate the position of the cow’s cervix). In addition, all newborn calves are stolen from their mothers shortly after birth. The female cow is just as emotionally attached to her baby as any human mother is, and being forcibly separated from one another is extremely traumatic for both newborn and mother. Male calves cannot make milk and as such are brutally slaughtered to make “veal” shortly after their birth. Female calves are placed in isolation from their mothers and are later forced onto the milking line to take their mothers’ places. Finally, after just 4-5 insemination cycles, the mother cow “dries up” from over-milking (the average dairy cow, to be profitable, is forced to produce up to 10 times the milk she normally would for her baby, and her udders cannot take such sustained abuse for long) and she is sent to the slaughterhouse at the tender age of 5-6 — not only to be violently murdered on the kill line, but also to forego the latter 80% of her normally 25 year lifespan. There truly is no more vile industry on the planet!