Day 097i: To forge ahead is to reforge The Way … (July 20, 2019)

My tears now dried and my resolve renewed, I continued onward along a trail seemingly long-forgotten; a trail quite clearly abandoned in favor of the far easier path that had been recently carved out down below. And indeed an unsurprising “proof” of the same came in the form of a sign that had been placed in the middle of The Road – a sign that clearly-enough stated (albeit only in Spanish) that the way was closed except for use by local residents. How fortunate for me that I, as a Peace Pilgrim, have no nationality or residence of my own; how fortunate for me that I am a “local resident” no matter where I happen to tread!

All it takes for generosity to flow is a submission to our innate higher awareness. By actively pursuing humility & kindness, we inevitably make choices that cause less harm and greater good to others within the global community that is our shared earth.” ~ via Zoe Weil

As life in general ever presents great pain in the form of struggles against poverty, disease, ignorance, and emotional anguish, what more civilized way for us to alleviate the same than by giving ourselves to one another as brothers and sisters in deed as well as in word?” ~ via Aberjhani