Day 097h: Another resounding Revelation … (July 20, 2019)

And then it became clear as well, through all the sobs & all the tears, that I was Doing Right as is; that I am in truth sacrificing it all for all my sentient brothers & sisters; that I may not be doing so perfectly and yet that I am doing so nonetheless; and that even if I do die here in Europe without ever seeing “home” again, this Walk will bear Great Fruit somehow at some time in some way – and as such it is in this & every moment all worth every single step …

The only way to live is to greet death face to face.” ~ via Alan Maiccon

Our lives are a journey, and as we move forward we will not only figuratively experience the geography of life: the exhilaration of high mountains, the tranquility of calm meadows, the isolation of treacherous canyons, but we will experience the seasons of life as well: the hope of spring, the abundance of summer, the harvest of autumn, and yes, the darkness and depression of winter. And all of these will inevitably acquire Meaning, if & when we engage them and share them for the benefit of others.” ~ via Seth Adam Smith

Success = Humility + Courage + Persistence. We all already know what it is we are to do – what gifts we have to give and what services we have to proffer. Our success comes when we are brave enough to offer them boldly and persevere in doing so again & again & ever again.” ~ via Ryan Lilly