Day 097g: A Crossroads of Consternation … (July 20, 2019)

I limped slowly onward, past the small path-side sustenance stop at Alto de Poio (to avoid tempting any fellow pilgrims to impurely give to the pitiable out of pity) and paused briefly at my next Camino crossroads – this one offering a choice between the traditional route that headed up into the mountains and a newer alternative path that headed down to & alongside the highway. Fittingly unlike th vast majority of my compatriots, I chose the former and headed up towards the clouds feeling alone and somewhat forlorn; realizing for the first time with all-encompassing fullness that I might very well never be able to to return to the United States at all – that I might very well not be able to finish this particular Walk; that I might very well never be able to reach or inspire anyone else at ll along my Way; that I might very well never be able to finish the written works that I feel called top publish before my passing or maintain a Peace Sanctuary in my final days for pilgrims & non-pilgrims alike. I realized all these things in resounding waves of likelihood – if not probability – and broke down for a time in great heaving sobs of loss & despair …

The Divine is calling us to live for the sake of The Way of Christ and to do the same through acts of willing self-sacrifice. Jesus himself intentionally chose the same; it didn’t just happen to him by chance. He chose it as the way to create and perfect his ministry; as the very best way to get his message across. And his message was in truth one of willingly embracing suffering for others, and he openly & repeatedly called us all to choose the same. That is, he called us to take up our cross and follow him by facing our own fears & denying our own dreams in order to take up the burdens of others &/or offer them joy, and thereby bring them peace.” ~ inspired by John Piper