Day 095k: Sleep-walking into Spirit … (July 18, 2019)

I was exceptionally tired this afternoon for whatever reason(s), so I intentionally experimented with “doze-walking” between Camponaraya and the town of Cacabelos – literally choosing to close my eyes and sleep in 10-15 second bursts while walk-bumbling down The Way. And this tactic actually worked with a surprising measure of success, having me not only […]

Day 095l: The Yin and Yang of GOD … (July 18, 2019)

I flowed thereafter through Cacabelos proper to the farther outskirts of town, where I once again came upon the local Municipal Albergue – the hostel where I had stayed the night some eleven years prior, and a hostel that was bound to a most magnificent church at its center (the Iglesia Nuestra Senora de las […]

Day 095m: Another serendipitous Signpost … (July 18, 2019)

I was really “running out of gas” on this particular afternoon – feeling tired and slow and down and even a bit despondent as I trudged up the road along The Way. And I stopped into this particular roadside garden to sit and in the shade and recollect my resolve. Most days — whenever feeling […]

Day 095n: A Peace-full find in Pieros … (July 18, 2019)

Even at my fatigue-infected pace it didn’t take long for me to hobble into the village of Pieros and down to the wayside hostel of El Sorbal y La Luna (translation: The Rowan Tree & the Moon). And no sooner did I round a small bend and enter its foyer-garden enclave than I felt deeply […]

Day 095o: The Clown in every Pilgrim … (July 18, 2019)

Shortly after my arrival a handful of other pilgrims steadily arrived and settled in for the night; fellow wanderers who all carried with them their own brand of wisdom on their own unique journeys. There was Lars from Denmark (“Every day there is a new reason to walk the Camino”) and there was Hannah from […]

Day 096a: Into the Peace-full Darkness … (July 19, 2019)

Despite Mar’s lovely offer for me to stay on at the hostel for another few days (&/or take up a more permanent residence in the town’s overlooking hermitage), it was Right to continue onward. So after a relatively restless night’s sleep under the dining room table (there was nowhere else for a tall pilgrim to […]

Day 096b: A humble return to Heroism … (July 19, 2019)

Far more often than not I was already on The Road by the time the Sun began to rise, and I rejoiced wholeheartedly with a sigh and a radiant smile every time it did so … “Morning somehow brings back the more heroic ages. There is something cosmical about the rising Sun; a standing advertisement […]

Day 096c: An intimate Irony … (July 19, 2019)

I think someone forgot to give these dogs the memo … 🙂 “Individualistic material progress and the desire to gain prestige by ‘coming out on top’ have taken over from the sense of fellowship, compassion, and community. These days people live more or less on their own in a small house, jealously guarding their goods […]

Day 096d: Another to & through … (July 19, 2019)

While I did briefly stop by the Albergue Ave Fenix this morning*, it didn’t take long for me to reach the tidy city of Villafranca, and it didn’t take long for me to cruise straight through the same … *I did so to thank owner Jose (who was still sleeping at the time) for his […]

Day 096e: Coming to a Crossroads … (July 19, 2019)

The walking then became quite smooth – smooth gaited along a smooth roadway next to a smoothly flowing river, and it was seemingly no time at all befiore I came to an interesting crossroads: a T-intersection that offered a choice between Madrid (where I had been offered to go via Sybille and where I had […]

Day 096f: Passing through Pereje … (July 19, 2019)

I always enjoyed passing through smaller villages like Pereje – places where the warmth of community was easily palpable, and where residents so obviously worked to make their Home a place of peace & beauty … “The real name of our connection to this everywhere different and differently named Earth is ‘Work.’ And we are […]