Day 095o: The Clown in every Pilgrim … (July 18, 2019)

Shortly after my arrival a handful of other pilgrims steadily arrived and settled in for the night; fellow wanderers who all carried with them their own brand of wisdom on their own unique journeys. There was Lars from Denmark (“Every day there is a new reason to walk the Camino”) and there was Hannah from Japan (“You have no money and no passport?!? That is true Happiness!”), and even only-Italian-speaking (and as such often-openly-annoyed) Riccardo reminded us all that it was almost arrogant for anyone to assume that English was in any way the most appropriate language to use in any meeting – alongside the humbling reminder that often the deepest truths & most profound gifts were neither relayed nor offered with words. We all shared several love-infused artisan coffees prepared by Michael while we chatted about Life and Love & The Way, and I joyfully gave Lars and his 21 blisters (!!!) the “pilgrim’s foot” charm that Naisah had given me a few days previous. Michael then came in from the kitchen and sat with us a bit (“Coincidence has no meaning on the Camino”); eventually placing a red clown’s nose on my face – a gift that I noted was a blessed reminder for me to be ever more humble, whereby Lars smiled and countered: “No, it’s on you because you make people smile.” 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

Wherever it is you may be, it is your friends who make your world. Expand your earnest love for others – expand your circle of friends; expand your circle of friends – expand your world. It really is that simple.” ~ via Chris Bradford