Day 096a: Into the Peace-full Darkness … (July 19, 2019)

Despite Mar’s lovely offer for me to stay on at the hostel for another few days (&/or take up a more permanent residence in the town’s overlooking hermitage), it was Right to continue onward. So after a relatively restless night’s sleep under the dining room table (there was nowhere else for a tall pilgrim to feasibly “bunk down” on the tiny hostel’s very limited floor-space) I woke far earlier than usual and set out into the day’s still-dark and sound-pristine pre-morning peace …

To be a true pilgrim is to have a real faith, and to have such faith is to trust oneself to the flow of each moment. When you swim you don’t grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float with whichever way the water goes. Similarly, as a pilgrim, we are summoned to walk not the way that is wished for, but rather in the time and the manner and the direction that is offered.” ~ inspired by Alan Watts