Day 095n: A Peace-full find in Pieros … (July 18, 2019)

Even at my fatigue-infected pace it didn’t take long for me to hobble into the village of Pieros and down to the wayside hostel of El Sorbal y La Luna (translation: The Rowan Tree & the Moon). And no sooner did I round a small bend and enter its foyer-garden enclave than I felt deeply “at Home” – an overwhelming sense of Peace & Contentment; the feeling that I was once more in exactly the Right Place at exactly the Best Moment. Hospitalera Taylor & Aggie were sitting there peacefully and I told them about my Walk and my day and the hostel placard I had seen up the road and asked if I could simply rest there awhile before heading onward. They told me that the hostel owner was not there at the moment but that I was more than welcome to hang out, so that is what I did – thinking at the time that it was still actually quite early in the day and that it was more than enough to simply be able to sit in such a lovely place before heading back out onto The Way. Taylor was quite intrigued by my Walk and began asking more than a few questions about the same – questions I more than gladly answered. And with each successive answer, she seemed to become more excited about the entire adventure; an exuberant response that was as uplifting and energizing for me as it seemed to be for her … Aggie then came over to our table and both of them spent quite awhile reading through my Walk’s travel-journal while we chatted, and then Mar – the hostels’ owner – arrived and heard about my Walk and told me in no uncertain terms that I would be staying there that evening (!!!). My ego initially wanted to decline her generous offer (errantly thinking that it was “too early in the day to stop”), and yet the persistent Goodness of Mar and the hospitaleras soon convinced me to accept life’s graciousness and stay – and so stay I did, reveling not only in the gentle beauty that was the hostel itself (with its handmade extra-tall bunk beds) but also the extra-warm kindness exuded by Mar and her three virtuous vassals (Taylor & Aggie, and hospitalero Michael) …

Often what you humans call chance is instead the workings of a deeper pattern, which the casual eye cannot easily perceive. Indeed, what many call Providence neither conceals nor cancels the laws of Nature, but is rather a more insightful & enlightened appreciation of the same. And so it is that when the religious proclaim they have been “saved by the Will of God” they have actually been but more solidly embraced by the ubiquitousness of Providence, and that when the atheists loudly cries that their lives have been “dipped into random chance” they too have been but more firmly kissed by the Great Interconnection that some know as The Divine. ~ inspired by Alison Croggon and Victor Hugo