Day 095m: Another serendipitous Signpost … (July 18, 2019)

I was really “running out of gas” on this particular afternoon – feeling tired and slow and down and even a bit despondent as I trudged up the road along The Way. And I stopped into this particular roadside garden to sit and in the shade and recollect my resolve. Most days — whenever feeling similarly – such a “spiritual pit-stop” would do the trick in just a few minutes’ time; just long enough for me to remember what it was all about; to remember that I was doing this all for others, and that every single step taken for others was a successful pilgrimage in & of itself. And yet on this day, for whatever reason, the re-charge was taking longer than usual, and I found myself despairing instead over silly selfish things – the shimmering heat (even in the shade) and the dry dusty air and the unkempt nature of my current waystation and the like. Of course, The Walk had been intentionally constructed to readily deal with such times of despair – alone the fact that I literally had to press on; that I quite literally had no means to provide any measure of either shelter or sustenance for myself – meant that I soon resolved to stand up and saunter onward. And just as I was doing so I happened to glance over to a bright yellow something glimmering in my peripheral vision; a bright yellow something that happened to be a flier for a nearby “vegetarian” hostel that happened to be right up the road …

Until one is fully committed, there is a latent hesitancy to his efforts, ever the chance to draw back, and thereby always a taint of ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and thereby all acts of creation), there is one common elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and even the most splendid of plans. And that truth is this one: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves as well. Once a Soul sets itself boldly in motion for a noble cause with noble intentions – caring neither what happens to himself nor what might befall her aims, then all sorts of miraculous assistances arise in response thereto. Indeed, a whole stream of events issues from such decisions, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material graces; blessings which no one could have dreamed would have come their way. I have experienced the same to be true myself on more than several occasions, and as such have come to maintain a deep respect for one of Goethe’s couplets: Whatever goodness you can do, or even dream can be done, begin it. For selfless boldness – when earnestly wrought – ever has genius, power, and magic in it!” ~ inspired by William Hutchison Murray