Day 095l: The Yin and Yang of GOD … (July 18, 2019)

I flowed thereafter through Cacabelos proper to the farther outskirts of town, where I once again came upon the local Municipal Albergue – the hostel where I had stayed the night some eleven years prior, and a hostel that was bound to a most magnificent church at its center (the Iglesia Nuestra Senora de las Augustias); a church that effused as much solace from its neighboring garden grounds as it did from its glowing hallowed halls …

Your truest bliss is bringing to the world all that you have to give it. And if you follow this bliss – bit by bit and smile by smile and tiny good deed by tiny good deed every single day – then the Universe will have no choice but to respond in kind; opening doors for you where once there were only walls; extending a gentle nudge of direction where there was once only cloudy confusion.” ~ inspired by Joseph Campbell