Day 096e: Coming to a Crossroads … (July 19, 2019)

The walking then became quite smooth – smooth gaited along a smooth roadway next to a smoothly flowing river, and it was seemingly no time at all befiore I came to an interesting crossroads: a T-intersection that offered a choice between Madrid (where I had been offered to go via Sybille and where I had been told to go by a number of well-intended pilgrims) and La Coruna (where both my ego and my Soul intended to go instead). The Way itself made my choice for me – following the Camino, which led to the right, towards Santiago & Finisterre, and yet the potent symbolism of the moment lingered in my mind for quite some time thereafter … La Coruna – to try and somehow hitchhike across the ocean by freighter ship, or Madrid – to somehow cross the same by plane; these were indeed my two primary choices, and it was still unclear which would manifest itself. No matter in that moment, of course, as walking The Way was the task of the day – and so I simply continued to walk the Way …

The essential point is to consider love as a singularity. There is not, as it were, nice love & nasty love, spiritual love & material love, real love & fake love, mature affection on the one hand & infatuation on the other. As long as these are in some way coming from a place of selfless giving – as long as they are in some way coming from a place of love, then they are all forms of the exact same energy. Some might be more potent than others (as a rule: the more sacrificial the giving, the more powerful its love), and yet all of them are love nonetheless. And so all we have to do embrace the opportunities to love wherever they arise, and then engage them as purely and as boldly as possible. When you find any one of its many forms existing, all you have to do is water it fully in that moment, and the rest will blossom as well … So the solution is not to go the right or best route, the solution is to Just Go with good & brave intention. Similarly, the Way is not to seek those who need our love the most, but rather to simply live fully while loving all those already nearby.” ~ inspired by Alan Watts