Day 108e: Choosing to live Within … (August 15, 2019)

I was admittedly surprised by how much I truly loved New York City. It is no small understatement to say that I am not a fan of metropolises by any means, and yet there was something about New York that captured me – maybe it was the underlying hum of Community that radiated from its […]

Day 108f: Put aide by purveyors of Paul … (August 15, 2019)

Interestingly enough, the very first church I encountered along the American portion of my Trek was one dedicated to Paul (St. Paul’s Chapel, located just a few blocks from the September 11th Memorial) – Paul, who was and still is my personal theological nemesis, and Paul, who was indeed the primary spiritual enemy of Jesus […]

Day 108g: Memorializing a Myth … (August 15, 2019)

It seemed only fitting that I would make my way to the September 11th Memorial before officially heading northwards. After all, I was walking in selfless love & on pure faith for World Peace, so it only made sense that I pause along that path at a memorial not only famously soaked in hatred & […]

Day 108h: Alone amongst the many … (August 15, 2019)

And onward I walked that day, with the undulating peace of the Hudson River on my left, and the pulsing Souls of millions of my fellow brothers & sisters on my right … “Pilgrimage is rebellion in its purest form. It follows the heart, it frees us of all labels, it loses control willingly, it […]

Day 108i: The only war we Need … (August 15, 2019)

“What the people of our world need is a new war – a war against Hypocrisy, a war against Callousness, a war against Violence, a war against Greed. And once this far greater war is duly & sincerely waged by the many, all wars smaller & deadlier will no longer be fought by & for […]

Day 108j: The gap between our Worlds … (August 15, 2019)

“Sometimes I think we live in a gap between two worlds, one world that we are commanded to embody, and the other we are told never to enter. The first world is the world where we must be adherent of the rules and follow all norms and obey the authorities and live in places & […]

Day 108k: Roving as a Ranger … (August 15, 2019)

“We pilgrims are lone rangers, that’s what we are. We see the world with our naked eyes, unabashed of all greed and ego. Our Souls reside on our tongues and we ever stand for what’s Right by walking proudly amongst the wrong. We rave for justice and inspiring humanity’s greatest possibilities is our aim. We […]

Day 108l: Living while surrounded by Death … (August 15, 2019)

I had chosen to walk alongside the Hudson on this day, a choice that on the one hand allowed me to attentively stride onward without worrying about losing my way, and yet on the other hand provided few opportunities for me to fluidly stop and interact with others. And so it was that I walked […]

Day 108m: Onward to New Jersey; on into the Now … (August 15, 2019)

Arriving at and crossing over the George Washington Bridge felt like a pretty big deal at the time – for one I had crossed my Walk’s first state-line (from New York into New Jersey at the Hudson River’s midpoint), and for another I was finally walking southward towards the Walk’s supposed destination. Still, even though […]

Day 108n: Knowing no Retreat … (August 15, 2019)

“Fear is the glue that keeps you stuck. Courage is the solvent that sets you free … You will shiver & shake in the face of summoned greatness. And yet remember in those moments of test & truth that everything must break open in order to one day blossom and thrive. The seed must break […]

Day 108o: A river of Rejections … (August 15, 2019)

After a long day of walking and with the Sun already beginning to set, I left the George Washington Bridge behind and entered the town of Fort Lee, New Jersey. Darkness was clearly on the near horizon and my body was aching pretty strongly, so I headed for the nearest church steeple to see if […]