Day 108m: Onward to New Jersey; on into the Now … (August 15, 2019)

Arriving at and crossing over the George Washington Bridge felt like a pretty big deal at the time – for one I had crossed my Walk’s first state-line (from New York into New Jersey at the Hudson River’s midpoint), and for another I was finally walking southward towards the Walk’s supposed destination. Still, even though my fatigue made it tempting to get lost in these geographic trivialities, I was pleasantly surprised to find myself walking slowly and attentively across that span’s great expanse – reveling neither in where I had come from nor where I was going, but rather solely appreciative of the Beauty & Wonder that were so vividly alive in where I already was …

Anything truly worth having tends to defy fluidity & reason. Instead these greater objections more often come with obstacles, challenges, battles &/or long periods of wandering in the dark. Our path won’t make sense to family or friends, much less strangers or denigrators. People will weigh in with their own life rules and selfish fears. And yet in the end it is your life, and that pull that you feel is real and strong and right. Follow it … It whispers to you in every moment. Listen to it … Listen to it and follow it for as far as it takes you, because life is far too fleeting to dwell on lust or indecision. So listen to what your Heart is saying – listen to the Love it longs for you to give, and then go forth each day and Give It!” ~ inspired by Shannon L. Alder