Day 108i: The only war we Need … (August 15, 2019)

What the people of our world need is a new war – a war against Hypocrisy, a war against Callousness, a war against Violence, a war against Greed. And once this far greater war is duly & sincerely waged by the many, all wars smaller & deadlier will no longer be fought by & for the few.” ~ inspired by Mohammad Ansari

Either we can choose to remain ignorant and continue to see ourselves as divided, or we can finally wise up and realize that there never was any real division to begin with … Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only Light can do that. Injustice cannot drive out injustice; only Integrity can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only Love can do that.” ~ inspired by, Wald Wassermann & MLK Jr.