Day 108j: The gap between our Worlds … (August 15, 2019)

Sometimes I think we live in a gap between two worlds, one world that we are commanded to embody, and the other we are told never to enter. The first world is the world where we must be adherent of the rules and follow all norms and obey the authorities and live in places & manners dictated by others. It is a space where we are thoroughly soaked in the fears of pain and aging and dying before we even remotely figure out what it is we are actually here to do. And yet the other world is sweet and fresh and misty. It is the world that invites adventure into the unknown, that melds ancient wisdom with new discovery; where sunlight melts into moonlight and the spell of Love’s eternal life is never broken. This is the world where kindness rules the day – where we know full well that we are here to serve rather be served and care rather than be cared for. And in the gap between the two is Choice; the choice to fall into the former or leap into the latter – the former a realm of softness and safety and the superficial; the latter a kingdom of sacrifice and courage and the meaning-filled. You are ever in the gap, my friends, and you are ever free to choose … Choose wisely.” ~ inspired by Riitta Klint