Day 108f: Put aide by purveyors of Paul … (August 15, 2019)

Interestingly enough, the very first church I encountered along the American portion of my Trek was one dedicated to Paul (St. Paul’s Chapel, located just a few blocks from the September 11th Memorial) – Paul, who was and still is my personal theological nemesis, and Paul, who was indeed the primary spiritual enemy of Jesus Christ (essentially my greatest Hero, and the primary inspiration for much of what I currently share & do) himself. It shouldn’t have come as a surprise, then, that my entrance into its seemingly peaceful sanctuary was dissuaded by an open policy of fear as opposed to an opening of Love. And so it was that I gained solace – quite appropriately — from walking slowly & reverently alongside its cemetery gardens instead …

Nature has many tricks wherewith she convinces man of his finiteness – the ceaseless flow of the tides, the fury of the storm, the shock of any earthquake, the long roll of heaven’s thunderous artillery – and yet the most tremendous persuasion of all is the depth & wonderment of the heavens. Whether in the pitch dark of night or the clearest noon of day, when the sky clears and reveals its greatness even a slightest whisper seems sacrilege. The man who notices the same – the one who truly appreciates what he is seeing when he peers into the Great Above – is moved to honored silence, and knows a peace that feels no bounds. In this moment he is aware of what he truly is – a scintillating speck of life journeying across the vast & volatile void of the Cosmos. This is the man who trembles at his previous audacities, the man who realizes once more that while his is indeed the tiniest of lives, his is the grandest of Missions. For though he then remembers that he is but mote of dust gracing an angel’s hem, he is also an equal agent of the Divine, and has been summoned with an equal score of trumpets to become the essence of the very same.” ~ inspired by Jack London

Metaphors be with you!” ~ T-shirt seen outside St. Paul’s Chapel