Day 102l: For all who choose to Walk … (July 25, 2019)

“Every quest takes places in both the sphere of the actual, which is what maps reveal to us, and the sphere of the symbolic, for which the only maps are those unseen in our hearts. And we must always remember that it is the latter sphere that is the one to primarily follow – and […]

Day 102m: The Path back to Freedom … (July 25, 2019)

“For many, carving a path back to Freedom takes a lifetime, and yet there is no reason why that journey must ever take that much time. For Freedom is fully born to anyone in the moment the decision is made to move in any direction the Heart desires and one then sets forth towards the […]

Day 102n: The language LOVE never needs … (July 25, 2019)

I then walked through a series of smaller townships where the overwhelming stench coming from more than a few of my enslaved & abused (and very soon to be brutally murdered) bovine friends was far too thick for any sense of Peace to settle, much less any reasonable pilgrimage-pause to be made. And it was […]

Day 102o: Of monuments & flowers, Overlooks & byways … (July 25, 2019)

“Not I, nor anyone else can travel the Road for you. You must travel it by yourself. And in truth it is not far. In truth it is ever within reach; indeed ever just outside your door. Perhaps you are already walking it; perhaps you have been on it since you were born. Maybe this […]

Day 102p: The outcast of Olveiroa … (July 25, 2019)

The surprisingly tiny town of Lago was next on the Path, and once again the oppressive smells & vile sightings of of systemic bovine cruelty made stopping for any time or reason at Albergue Monte Aro fully infeasible. And so I ambled steadily onward, eventually into & through the hamlets Cruceiro de Corzon & Ponte […]

Day 102q: To BE, like Water … (July 25, 2019)

“Water does not resist. Water flows. When you plunge your hand into it, all you feel is a caress. Water is not a solid wall, it will not stop you. And yet water always goes where it wants to go, and nothing in the end can stand against it or halt its persistent journey. Water […]

Day 102r: Remembering to forget while Walking … (July 25, 2019)

“Pilgrimage is always a wonderful experience, especially when you forget you are walking. Indeed, pilgrims who stride attentively – those who allow themselves to gaze into the Souls of all others when they travel – will not think about or analyze what they see. For them, there is no distinction between the viewer and that […]

Day 102s: A bigger Love from the biggest Day … (July 25, 2019)

On a day that seemed to have no end, I walked & walked & walked & walked; eventually getting soaked by a spontaneous rainstorm (inspiring some just-as-spontaneous laughter from me over the Jobian nature of this most arduous of days) before eventually arriving in the township of Logoso – just as the Sun was fully […]

Day 103a: Another final Finishing … (July 26, 2019)

Perhaps due to the excitement of being so close to the coast (one more day of walking!) and perhaps due to the unusual confines in which I slept the night previous, I woke even earlier than usual on this day. And yet though it was a shorter sleep than normal, I still rose feeling quite […]

Day 103b: To walk The Way to Oneness … (July 26, 2019)

And so it was that flowed into this next wondrous morning, past the famed Finisterre/Muxia bifurcation (where I chose the route to the former) and onto a long & lovely road (covered with a lovely sandy-gravelly walking surface) surrounded by a lovely temperature and often-inundated with a lovely scent of nearby pines … “Whenever I […]

Day 103c: To once more offer ALL … (July 26, 2019)

And then I came to the beautiful wayside shrine at the Capilla de Nosa Senora das Neves, where I offered one of my very last pre-Galacia-gathered Camino stones to its altar – in great gratitude for the journey already traversed, and – more importantly – as a testament of dedication; an offering of the rest […]