Day 103a: Another final Finishing … (July 26, 2019)

Perhaps due to the excitement of being so close to the coast (one more day of walking!) and perhaps due to the unusual confines in which I slept the night previous, I woke even earlier than usual on this day. And yet though it was a shorter sleep than normal, I still rose feeling quite rested, and excitedly set forth into the still-dark morning – after shaking myself free from the light coating of construction dust that had served as last night’s blanket …

The only dreams worth having are the ones that make life better for all, and the only way to make those dreams come true is to live them – bit by bit – every day. So dwell on the beauties of life, yes. And yet as you gaze up at the stars, remember to see yourself running with them – and then get up and go do that running.” ~ inspired by Roy Bennett & Marcus Aurelius