Day 102s: A bigger Love from the biggest Day … (July 25, 2019)

On a day that seemed to have no end, I walked & walked & walked & walked; eventually getting soaked by a spontaneous rainstorm (inspiring some just-as-spontaneous laughter from me over the Jobian nature of this most arduous of days) before eventually arriving in the township of Logoso – just as the Sun was fully setting and the darkness was setting in. I entered the town’s only albergue/bar solely to rest a bit (having already resolved to simply keep walking into the looming night) and Michal was there (the wonderful young woman I had met in Pieros a week prior). She couldn’t believe that I had already walked 60km that day and had caught up to her & hers (she had set out for Finisterre from Santiago a full day before me). Her warm greeting was a most welcome one on what had been quite the chillier day, and the same fluidly allowed me to witness my Walk’s hows & whys to the hostel’s owners and the handful of pre-bedtime pilgrims who were still hanging out there in the bar. Juan (the aforementioned owner – pictured below) and his wife were less than receptive to me in general, much less Michal’s insistence that they somehow let me sleep in the already-full hostel that night, and yet hostel-manager Tomita (also pictured below) was so moved by my endeavor that she persuaded Juan to help me anyway – a kindness which he did indeed then willingly provide, in the form of a sleeping spot out of the rain in the construction site just across the street (it seemed that the hostel was expanding for next season) … I expressed my profound gratitude for the same, and was then offered a delicious meal of soup & spaghetti (made lovingly by the lovely Tomita), which I joyfully ate while infusing the bar with laughter while regaling all present with a few of the more amusing tales from my Walk. And then it was late and all were yawning, so I bid them all a huge-hugged farewell and headed across the street to my latest and freshest abode – where I swept the floor with the broom on hand, made a cozy mattress out of a large piece of cardboard nearby, and fell immediately into a deep and grateful slumber …


People may talk as much as they like about the wonders of their particular religion, and yet if it does not inspire them to be good and kind and caring to man and beast alike, that religion is all a sham … It’s really easy to lose faith in folks – what with all their callousness & cruelties, and yet all it takes is a single act of unexpected kindness to rekindle hope in them all once more … As such, let us all remember that there is no wrong way to perform an act of kindness. Let us all member that if kindness is an option, we are to always choose kindness. And let is remember – most importantly of all – that kindness is indeed always an option.” ~ inspired by Anna Sewell, Randa Abedel-Fattah, Anne Rice & Catherine Hyde