Day 103b: To walk The Way to Oneness … (July 26, 2019)

And so it was that flowed into this next wondrous morning, past the famed Finisterre/Muxia bifurcation (where I chose the route to the former) and onto a long & lovely road (covered with a lovely sandy-gravelly walking surface) surrounded by a lovely temperature and often-inundated with a lovely scent of nearby pines …

Whenever I walk a day of new paths, I arrive at my next sunset and look back and notice how quickly life indeed passes. And in these moments I am often led to reflect & wonder: Have I truly utilized my fleeting time properly? And in truth, the proper utilization of our time is so important. After all, we only have this particular body for such a short while, and while we do have it we should realize as often as possible how incredibly precious every moment of every mile truly is. Indeed, there is no guarantee that tomorrow at this time we will be here at all, so we really need to embrace each day as the incredible gift it is, and make the very best use of the time we have that remains. And what is the proper utilization of our moments? Without doubt the best utilization of time is this: as far as you can, serve other people and be kind to all other sentient beings. And even if you choose not to serve them, at least refrain from harming them … In order to give our existence its proper due, the purpose of our life needs to be something positive. No one was born with the purpose of causing trouble or strife or harm to others. So for our life to be of value – and thereby for us to truly get the most out of living, we must set forth every day with the intention of developing and exhibiting the best of all human qualities – generosity, kindness, compassion, and love.” ~ inspired by the Dalai Lama (XIV)