Day 103c: To once more offer ALL … (July 26, 2019)

And then I came to the beautiful wayside shrine at the Capilla de Nosa Senora das Neves, where I offered one of my very last pre-Galacia-gathered Camino stones to its altar – in great gratitude for the journey already traversed, and – more importantly – as a testament of dedication; an offering of the rest of life to living and sharing The Selfless Way …

You can believe in good & evil and you can even believe that the Soul is eternal, but don’t get sucked into believing in Hell with all its fiery pits and pitchforks and endless torment. I mean, sure, Hell could exists, I guess, but what’s the point? After all, any Heaven worth its weight has to be entered into on merit, and you can’t threaten people into being truly Good. So I guess what it all boils down to is Pulvis et umbra sumus – We are all but dust & shadow; dust with the ability to dance & move, and shadows with the ability to shine a great Light. In essence then, God – of He even exists – doesn’t need to punish us at all. He simply has to keep granting us enough time & enough temptation to act selfishly, and thereby punish ourselves. Similarly, God doesn’t have to reward us either, for we each have the omnipresent opportunity to Love and care and Forgive and be Kind anyway – and that is the stuff of the one & greatest Paradise.” ~ inspired by Cassandra Clare & Barbara Kingsolver