Day 117m: A not so graceful Grace … (August 24, 2019)

I didn’t walk very far (seemingly into the setting sun) when Lisa pulled up beside me in her car and told me she had found the perfect place for me to sleep. Visions of my European sleepovers danced in my head as I climbed gratefully into her car, and yet the “perfect place” she had […]

Day 117n: Between the wandering & the waiting … (August 24, 2019)

There wasn’t too much to report on the rest of my night – a night that mostly consisted of me steadily & ploddingly penduluming between walk-limping down a mostly deserted roadway and pausing to rest (and occasionally even nod off – I actually got a few hours of sleep on the front porch of the […]

Day 118a: The tremendousness of Trees … (August 25, 2019)

It was weird (and sometimes downright dangerous) walking along first Highway 1 and then Highway 147 this morning – from the town of Benson, through the hamlet of Fork, and then onward towards Joppa. There were very few locations to rest or replenish, and those that did exist were closed at the time (“Note: locked […]

Day 118b: Dancing through the Danger … (August 25, 2019)

One thing had become very clear at this point of my journey: American roadways were for the most part in no way made for walking … “Every journey taken always includes the path decisively not taken, the seemingly random detour through Hell, the puzzling crossroads of indecision, serendipitous shortcuts to fleeting safe havens, and of […]

Day 118c: The extraordinariness of Empathy … (August 25, 2019)

I made it through Joppa without astounding incident and trudged onward into the days’ rising heat, stopping briefly in a roadside convenience store to drop off a cell phone I had found earlier on the side of the highway, and eventually made it into the outskirts of the town of Towson, where the Arnolia Pub […]

Day 118d: Receiving the gift of Respite … (August 25, 2019)

And then it was that I made to the near outskirts of the town of Towson, and then it was that I made my way easily into the subdivision where my cousins Betsy & Joel lived, and it was then that I was able to receive the gracious gift of a walk-stopover they had offered […]

Day 119a: All of them gifts from the Divine … (August 26, 2019)

There were many fine & wise conversations I enjoyed with Betsy & Joel (many about the depths of kindness and social responsibility and justice) during my two-day layover in Towson, and yet in retrospect I must honestly say that I learned & gained the most from spending time with my nephew JJ & my niece […]

Day 120a: A family of Pilgrims & Rangers … (August 27, 2019)

And then it came time to make final preparations to depart and to commence saying a few final farewells. Enormous gratitude I felt on this day, first & foremost for this lovely family who were all so loving towards me and so affirming of my Walk … “The pilgrim is in many ways like a […]