Day 118b: Dancing through the Danger … (August 25, 2019)

One thing had become very clear at this point of my journey: American roadways were for the most part in no way made for walking …

Every journey taken always includes the path decisively not taken, the seemingly random detour through Hell, the puzzling crossroads of indecision, serendipitous shortcuts to fleeting safe havens, and of course the unwittingly longer way Home. And yet is is ever the Greater Why of it all that makes all the uncertainty and all the danger and all the discomfort so much more than worthwhile … The road may be rough, the journey may be tough and the experience may be bitter, and yet all such challenges become but stepping stones to our future thrones – if we tread through them for Love … So when the times become harsh and the path grows stony, remember that laughter and tears are equally appropriate responses to moments of frustration and times of exhaustion. Always choose to laugh in such times, for at the very least there is less cleaning up do to do afterward.” ~ inspired by Shannon Alder, Bamigboye Olurotimi & Kurt Vonnegut