Day 120a: A family of Pilgrims & Rangers … (August 27, 2019)

And then it came time to make final preparations to depart and to commence saying a few final farewells. Enormous gratitude I felt on this day, first & foremost for this lovely family who were all so loving towards me and so affirming of my Walk …

The pilgrim is in many ways like a ranger, with both embodying the similar roles(though the former admittedly far more subtly than the latter) of a Protector. They both protect the land from the people, they both protect the people from the land, they both protect the people from each other, and they both protect Nature’s non-human residents from people. It’s what they are trained to do without even thinking about it, a reflexive and unconditional act, with the latter doing so overtly and sometimes with physical force and the former doing so far more gently and often via emotional inspiration. Some have looked at both these groups and thought that only a small subset of each is ever lucky enough to ‘make a real difference’, and yet both the pilgrim and the ranger know differently – both knowing that every single being interacted with is equally worthy of saving &/or inspiring, and that every encounter he or she has therewith – if engaged with courage & with kindness – always makes the Cosmos at least little bit more compassionate and at least a little bit more just.” ~ inspired by  Kurt Caswel