Day 119a: All of them gifts from the Divine … (August 26, 2019)

There were many fine & wise conversations I enjoyed with Betsy & Joel (many about the depths of kindness and social responsibility and justice) during my two-day layover in Towson, and yet in retrospect I must honestly say that I learned & gained the most from spending time with my nephew JJ & my niece Maysie during that glorious visit …

Children are a gift from the Divine; beams of sunlight from the Infinite and the Eternal … They see magic in their surroundings because they look for it, and they know goodness in others because they expect the same … Indeed, young children evince a purity most adults have long-since forgotten, and our souls are ever partly healed by being in their presence.” ~ inspired by Psalm 127:3, Lyman Abbott, Christopher Moore, & Fyodor Dostoevsky