Day 105f: The Beauty in walking Onward … (July 28, 2019)

“The ego sees life as being composed of endings and beginnings, and only sometimes acknowledges that the two almost always coincide – with the ending of one thing ever marking the beginning of another … And yet the Soul knows differently, understanding as it does that we are all – each & every one of […]

Day 105g: Peace as the Painkiller … (July 28, 2019)

Things proceeded more smoothly thereafter, though my pain remained somewhat intense and my spirits remained relatively low – at least until the initial outskirts of the village of Lires, where pilgrim-friend Julio was then gratefully encountered. In turned out that he had made it to Santiago at around the same time as I had, and […]

Day 105h: Looking to living Waters … (July 28, 2019)

“A pond is one of a landscape’s most beautiful and expressive features. It is in essence Earth’s eye; peering into which the beholder measures the depth of his own existence … And just like roots ever seeking & finding water, we too always wind up moving towards that greater sense of Being that sustains us […]

Day 105i: To remember Life in its Fullness … (July 28, 2019)

“The longer some live, the more likely they are to wonder about their end, while daydreamingly remembering their beginning. This practice keeps one immersed in realms where time rushes onward. Life is easily & inevitably wasted while pondering one’s past or future, and as such this is not The Way. The truth of the matter […]

Day 105j: To pass Hell by & by .. (July 28, 2019)

And then it was that I entered the town of Muxia – and was immediately met with a wave of frigidity and a profound sense of disappointment. In Muxia’s defense, it was unfair of me to have heard of its “magical” nature from other pilgrims and expect its architecture & its vibe to resemble that […]

Day 105k: When walking becomes what it Is … (July 28, 2019)

“When you walk for any sizable distance, you are compelled to entertain new thoughts – ‘Is this side trail a safe one?’ ‘Will this bus get me home?’ “Is that stranger kind or wicked?’ ‘Was his meal ever a beloved pet?’ In truth it doesn’t even matter what your new thoughts are. They are all […]

Day 105l: The next hallowed Haven … (July 28, 2019)

And then it was that I entered the lovely town of Moraime, where its beautiful monastery was clearly in a state of refurbishment. A sign nearby announced that an “Information Center” was on hand, and so I entered the same and ended up witnessing my Walk both humbly & powerfully to Sese, the volunteer on […]

Day 105m: Blessed anew by Saints newer … (July 28, 2019)

And so it was that Sese and her volunteer compatriot Leticia sat with me while I reveled in the truly delicious vegan lunch they prepared for me. Sese asked more about my Walk and about my future plans – she was especially curious as to how I planned to cross the sea. I confided in […]

Day 105n: When walking frees the Soul … (July 28, 2019)

“Every time we walk we can feel the Universe guiding us deeper into its aura of warm Oneness – almost like it is intentionally liberating and rejoining all the fragmented pieces of our shared Soul … In truth, it is walking that taught me where real Happiness can be found; a sense of Joy that […]

Day 105o: Hobbling into HOME … (July 28, 2019)

Walking “Suseia-style”* proves to be a small bit of a challenge, to be sure (there were far fewer waymarkers posted for those walking The Way “backwards”), and yet I continually rediscover the Path I am to be taking nonetheless, and steadily made my way onward along The Way – all the way to the lovely […]

Day 105p: Yet another Place of PEACE … (July 28, 2019)

“History pays no heed to the unspectacular citizen who works hard all day and walks home each night to his humble abode with dust on his torn tunic and his cap damp & flattened on his brow. And yet in the end these Builders have the better of it, for the miracles they accomplish in […]