Day 105k: When walking becomes what it Is … (July 28, 2019)

When you walk for any sizable distance, you are compelled to entertain new thoughts – ‘Is this side trail a safe one?’ ‘Will this bus get me home?’ “Is that stranger kind or wicked?’ ‘Was his meal ever a beloved pet?’ In truth it doesn’t even matter what your new thoughts are. They are all equal reboots for a brain that had been pickled in the routine and faces familiar. Pilgrimage, then, lets you feel your neurons making new connections again — new problems to solve, new beliefs to ponder, new people to embrace … And so we walk not only for the passion and the madness and longing for movement, but rather because walking itself, like bread and water and air, is necessary for interconnecting with others – which is turn necessary to a life fully lived.” ~ inspired by Kristin Newman & Carew Papritz