Day 105l: The next hallowed Haven … (July 28, 2019)

And then it was that I entered the lovely town of Moraime, where its beautiful monastery was clearly in a state of refurbishment. A sign nearby announced that an “Information Center” was on hand, and so I entered the same and ended up witnessing my Walk both humbly & powerfully to Sese, the volunteer on call that day. She was quite moved by my tale after its telling, and told me to follow her straight away thereafter; leading me across the street to the local restaurant/hotel, where she & her cohorts there started to shower me with honor and food (!!!). Two pilgrims (Rebecca from Germany & Klas from Denmark) then passed by the veranda where I was sitting and – much to my surprise – called out “That’s him!” It turned out that Michael, the portrait-photographer from Boavista, had posted by black & white visage onto his Instagram account, and that Rebecca & Klas has just been talking about the same when they saw me sitting there. We all laughed heartily at the smooth serendipity if it all, and then with a large group hug they ambled on their way …

For me, you are the fresh water that falls from trees after it has stopped raining. For me, you are the smell of cinnamon that lingers on the tongue and gives bitter words a sweeter meaning. For me, you are the scent of old violins and a vision of verdant valleys. For me, your loveliness never ends. It traverses the world in every instant, and yet always finds its way back to me – the me who resides in every You.~ via Kamand Kojouri