Day 105m: Blessed anew by Saints newer … (July 28, 2019)

And so it was that Sese and her volunteer compatriot Leticia sat with me while I reveled in the truly delicious vegan lunch they prepared for me. Sese asked more about my Walk and about my future plans – she was especially curious as to how I planned to cross the sea. I confided in her that I wasn’t sure about the latter, and yet that the plan still (loosely) was to head up the coast to Coruna and hop aboard a freighter ship to America there. She smiled gently when she heard this and just as gently suggested that I might not want to attach too firmly to that vision; that she had up until recently herself lived in Coruna, and that it was going to be almost impossible for me to access its heavily guarded harbor. And it was at that moment that a greater Clarity finally descended upon me regarding my Way. I had been softly told by a number of “angels” along my pilgrimage – folks whose wisdom & fine intentions I almost exclusively respected – that it would be finer to simply fly back to the States to continue bringing the Walk to it conclusion; that it wasn’t how I got across the ocean that was important, as much as it was that I actually did so. True to my somewhat stubborn ways, I had rejected these recommendations to varying degrees, and yet here was Sese not giving any advice on the matter at all; simply informing me matter-of-factly that my “best laid plans” were not so best laid after all … In truth I could have remained there with Sese for quite awhile longer, and yet my newfound revelation felt so Good & Right & True that my excited resolve to continue seeing my Mission to its fluid end had me rising in gratitude and continuing on my Way – but not before Sese blessed me further with a bag full of fresh fruit for the road …

There are moments when we meet someone on The Road and feel as if we’ve known them all our lives, and it’s truly fascinating when you rediscover the truth that, even if two travelers are meeting for the first time, there is already an innate & amazing chemistry happening between them both – the same chemistry that is happening whenever any two people attentively meet anywhere in the world! And what is truly captivating about it all is the depth to which we all already know each other; almost as if we all already know each other inside & out; as if words are not needed at all for us all to understand the thoughts, feelings, and emotions of any other person – if we but take the time to humbly SEE them. And realizing this truth – and then setting it into motion as you walk along – is absolutely exhilarating, and it instantly transforms your life into something scintillating and fabulous and full of love & wonder.” ~ inspired by Avijeet Das