Day 105n: When walking frees the Soul … (July 28, 2019)

Every time we walk we can feel the Universe guiding us deeper into its aura of warm Oneness – almost like it is intentionally liberating and rejoining all the fragmented pieces of our shared Soul … In truth, it is walking that taught me where real Happiness can be found; a sense of Joy that can never be found in power or platitudes or possessions. For influence over other or the harboring of things or thoughts always keep us separate from the others around us; always keep them distant from us – at least an arm’s length, and as such they are all things that can never lead to any true feelings of Love or Harmony, which are in turn the only feelings that allow for any experience of real Joy. Of course, what does always lead to real Happiness is something ever within you; the part of you that makes you a better, more complete person; the part of you that chooses to humbly appreciate wonders and boldly offer caring … So let us go humbly & boldly, then. Let us go gently hurtling around our world elevating goodness and thwarting evil, shall we?” ~ inspired by M.B. Mohan, Jellis Vaes & Elizabeth Bear