Day 105i: To remember Life in its Fullness … (July 28, 2019)

The longer some live, the more likely they are to wonder about their end, while daydreamingly remembering their beginning. This practice keeps one immersed in realms where time rushes onward. Life is easily & inevitably wasted while pondering one’s past or future, and as such this is not The Way. The truth of the matter is that one day you too will awaken to find that your life has indeed mostly passed; rushed by at a speed at once both impossible and cruel. And its most intense moments will seem to have occurred only yesterday – moments that you will pine for and wish you had more deeply appreciated; the impossible intensity of love and the indescribable beauty of first sunrises; the bleak blackness of passions unrequited, or tendernesses unexpressed, or missions unresolved, or kindnesses unoffered. Remember this truth today – and remember to live today accordingly.” ~ inspired by via Meg Rosoff