Day 103d: My next non-final End … (July 26, 2019)

I headed onward into the day and suddenly smelled the ocean for the very first time (with 25km still to go before I could arrive at the coast proper). Then a short time thereafter, the same came into view – a sight that filled me with an odd & overwhelming mix of thoughts & emotions: […]

Day 103e: Seeing the Way to Cee … (July 26, 2019)

I then headed down into the small city of Cee, where I smiled – seeing my first sea-worthy ship in its harbor, and wondering if I really would be one day soon sailing back to my now-older New World … “He who has never left his hearth and has confined his searches to the shorter […]

Day 103f: Onward, ever onward … (July 26, 2019)

And then ever onward I walked, soon into the neighboring town of Corcubion, a delightful haven where I had received such great kindness back in 2008. I looked briefly for the hotel where I had stayed those 10+ years ago – as I had wanted to offer then-owner Maria an extra heartfelt thanks for the […]

Day 103g: Another glimpse of a greater Grace … (July 26, 2019)

And then I walked on into this great & seemingly final day, until I finally caught my first glimpse of Finisterre – the famed “end of the world” from eras past, and the glowing portal to my life’s next & newest future … “Distance changes utterly when you take the world on foot. A mile […]

Day 103h: A next & newer HOME … (July 26, 2019)

I was still walking smoothly – getting closer & closer to both the town of Finisterre and the subsequently blessed coast – when Karl from England caught up with me and asked me about my Walk (he had read my smock as I had passed just a few moments before). I was thankful for his […]

Day 103i: Their cross to lean on; our Cross to bear … (July 26, 2019)

Interestingly, this is the only “shot” that I wished I had from my previous Camino pilgrimage of 2008 (the camera to which I had access on that particular Walk completely ran out of battery power just as I reached this very spot), and it was a great gift of Karl to capture it now so […]

Day 103j: Another amour-laden Arrival … (July 26, 2019)

I said my fond farewells to Karl as he headed back down into town, and I stayed behind to proceed alone to Finisterre’s furthest promontory to end the European portion of my Walk officially and offer my heartfelt thanks for it All. Tears of gratitude and joy welled up and overflowed as I did so […]

Day 103k: Returning to the Front … (July 26, 2019)

After having uttered my deepest gratitudes to the Cosmos (and watered the same with spontaneous tears of joy), I headed back down into town to continue along my Way, with the first order of business seeing whether I was going to spend this night in Finisterre or head back out onto The Road. I had […]

Day 103l: Home again, HOME again … (July 26, 2019)

I wasn’t sure whether I would be able to smoothly remain in Finisterre that night, and yet resolved myself to at the very least stopping by all the hostels that Simone had mentioned before leaving town. And yet as it turned out, the very first stop on his list proved to be the last & […]

Day 103m: Making one’s Family greater … (July 26, 2019)

And so it was that a great Fellowship began to blossom and my Family began to swell – at first in the usual ways: inspiring stories told, words of encouragement offered, gifts of kindness donated, smiles of love beamed, and a wholesome meal shared. Then, towards the latter part of that evening – after all […]

Day 104a: To LOVE another Day … (July 27, 2019)

Michal (the wonderful young lady who I had first met at Pieros and then again in Logoso just a few days ago) had graciously offered to pay for me to remain in the hostel for an additional day of Rest & Service, and I decided this morning to accept her lovely offer – a gift […]