Day 103h: A next & newer HOME … (July 26, 2019)

I was still walking smoothly – getting closer & closer to both the town of Finisterre and the subsequently blessed coast – when Karl from England caught up with me and asked me about my Walk (he had read my smock as I had passed just a few moments before). I was thankful for his boldness, as he became a wonderful companion along the final few kilometers of my Great Stroll – providing fellowship and fine conversation* from Estorda to Finisterre and then together – side by side and heart in heart – all the way to the coast …

That long longer-for destination finally rose into view and an almost indescribable feeling of Joy welled up from within. It was incredibly powerful, and yet it wasn’t like love at first sight. It was so much deeper than that. It was a sense of profound Belonging – both to that place I had until then never known, and to the entire world and every being in it. Here, I had finally arrived at my next & newest Home – another place that housed my own heartbeat.” ~ inspired by Nikki Rowe

*We discussed, among many other things, the nature of justice (the more equality in any society, the more Health & happiness for all) and worship (the deferential & passive “Be still and know that I am God” vs the active & empowering “Be still and Know that your greatest I is God”) and religion (any morally sound religion must be equally open to atheists residing within its congregations) …